Stone Anchors-0
Stone Anchors-0
Stone Anchors-0
Stone Anchors-0
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For over 90 years, Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. has specialized in the design and manufacture of stone anchoring systems. In addition to designing and supplying systems for some of the most prestigious projects in the United States, H&B's reach extends worldwide with numerous projects completed in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and South America.


Some of the more commonly used H&B anchors for stone can be found below. This is only a partial representation of our fabrication capabilities. When more complex systems are required due to intricate and rigorous design criteria, H&B has the technical expertise to get the job done.


Our state-of-the-art facilities enable us to shear, punch and bend anything from light gauge mild steel to 1" thick stainless steel. Products furnished in type 304 or 316 Stainless Steel  (Heavyweight plates and angles also available Hot Dip Galvanized).


Type 304 - Stainless SteelType 316 - Stainless Steel (Special Order)
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